Top 5 Questions from Pumping Moms
Top 5 questions from pumping moms are included in this article. We looked through all of the applications that people have sent in to come and work with us inside of the Pumping for Working Moms Program, and we noticed that there were a lot of consistencies.
You guys have very similar questions and problems, and honestly, Allison knew that before she built this program because she did a bunch of research and calls with many of you to understand your issues and how she could help you.
Not only did I build the curriculum and support program specifically tailored to the working mom who combines breastfeeding and pumping, but I was reminded again
-Allison tolman, ibclc
that [working and pumping moms’] questions are very similar.
Now, let’s jump into the five most common pumping questions. These questions are often intertwined, and we need to address them one by one.
(This post was originally a video. Check it out, here!)
top 5 questions from pumping moms top 5 questions from pumping moms top 5 question from pumping moms top 5 questions from pumping moms top 5 questions from pumping mom
Milk Supply
The first and most common concern is milk supply. Many members of the Pumping for Working Moms Program express concerns about maintaining or increasing their milk supply and maximizing output during pumping sessions.
This is a central focus of our program – protecting your milk supply and helping you pump efficiently at work. Understanding milk supply is crucial, including the supply and demand cycle and what is considered normal when combining breastfeeding and pumping.
We also need to differentiate between low milk supply and low milk output, as they are not the same.
If you’re confused about the difference between low milk supply and milk output, check out this video, here!
Building a small stash before going back to work, if you’re still on maternity leave, can also be important.
These are the common questions we address. and we teach you the necessary skills to answer them in our program.
Breast Pump Selection
The second common question is breast pump selection. Many applicants to our Pumping for Working Moms Program are trying to find a pump that meets their lifestyle and provides reliable output. In most cases, participants already have a good pump or pumps, and we can work with what they already have.
If they want a new pump in the future, we can help them select one based on their current pump’s settings and compare them to other options. This saves money and ensures they choose the right pump for their needs.
Flange Sizing and Pump Settings
The third common question revolves around flange sizing and pump settings. It can be challenging to find the right flange size, and recommendations often vary. We aim for optimal comfort and efficiency. While many people can pump comfortably with the wrong flange size and still get some milk, understanding the concept of flange sizing and how to troubleshoot it is essential.
We want to empower you to be your own detective and figure things out on your own in the Pumping for Working Moms Program. We provide the necessary information and teach you the why behind it, so you can understand your flange size and manage pump settings independently.
Scheduling Pumping Sessions
The fourth common question relates to scheduling pumping sessions. Many working moms face challenges in creating and maintaining a pumping schedule during maternity leave and when returning to work. These are two different scenarios that require different approaches.
On maternity leave, we need to determine when to start pumping and how to add it to breastfeeding. We also address building a milk stash for the transition back to work.
Once back at work, scheduling becomes even more crucial, and we help you create a personalized schedule based on your output, lifestyle, and work demands. In the Pumping for Working Moms Program, we understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and we provide guidance to find a schedule that works for you.
Pain and Discomfort During Pumping
The fifth common question revolves around pain and discomfort during pumping. This can be related to flange sizing or unique circumstances such as sensitive nipples, previous damage, surgery, or piercings. Addressing pain and discomfort is vital, because pain is a red flag that you need help. While most people find pumping comfortable, for some it can be very uncomfortable. You don’t have to suffer! Get the help that you need so that you don’t struggle while pumping!
Our Goal in the Pumping for Working Moms Program
Our goal at New Little Life and in the Pumping for Working Moms Program is to provide you with the detailed information you need to tackle these challenges. We have carefully structured the curriculum to answer 90% of your questions and empower you to troubleshoot and solve problems independently.
For specific or complex issues, we have experts available to provide same-day answers to your questions. We also offer weekly group calls where we get to know you and your baby’s names. Our program is a one-time fee, and we are here to support you throughout your pumping journey.
If you want to work with us, A member of our team will get on a call with you to ensure we’re a good fit. We want to make sure that you’re investing your money wisely. We are selective in who we work with in our program. And, if we determine that our program is not suitable for your needs, we can refer you to other resources.
We look forward to speaking with you and helping you find answers to your questions. If you need assistance, we’re here for you in the Pumping for Working Moms Program!

Meet Allison Tolman, LPN, IBCLC!
She is the owner and founder of New Little Life, a company dedicated to providing objective information and support for pumping mothers. With 15+ years of experience in various pregnancy and postpartum fields including as an LPN, birth doula, childbirth educator, and IBCLC, her current research focuses on testing and exploring breast pumps to find the most practical way to help pumping mothers reach their goals as well as teaching lactation professionals to better understand the complex art of pumping.
She runs a long-term coaching program to support working mothers who are pumping.