CLIENT INTERVIEW: Megan’s Pumping Journey with Twins

Hey everyone! I’m thrilled to share an incredible success story with you today. Megan, a member of our Pumping for Working Moms coaching program, just completed her journey of exclusively pumping for her twins. Let me tell you, this woman is an absolute rockstar. From navigating clogs to hitting major milk supply goals, she’s faced it all and come out stronger on the other side.

Megan’s story is so relatable, especially for moms trying to balance the demands of pumping, motherhood, and work. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to sit down with her and have her share her experiences, tips, and what helped her succeed.

(This post was originally a video. Check it out, here!)

The Rocky Start

Megan’s journey started with the goal of nursing her twins. Like many moms, she didn’t think pumping would play a big role in her breastfeeding journey.

“I thought, ‘Oh, I’m just going to breastfeed.’ I had every intention of tandem feeding my boys, but it was the hardest thing I’ve ever tried to do in my life. One baby had a lip tie and wouldn’t latch, and the other was kind of in and out. I was so sleep-deprived and overwhelmed. After 10 days, I realized nursing just wasn’t working for me mentally or emotionally.”

At her breaking point, Megan discovered exclusive pumping. It felt like a lifeline in what seemed like an impossible situation.

Finding Support and Taking the Leap

Megan dove headfirst into researching pumping, scouring blogs, YouTube videos (she found me there—yay!), and podcasts. But soon, she realized that piecing together conflicting advice wasn’t cutting it.

“I’d invested in my business, my health, so why wouldn’t I invest in this? I wanted to make it work, but I knew I wasn’t an expert. I needed someone to help me figure out what was working and what wasn’t. I was already exhausted—I didn’t want to spend time guessing.”

Megan joined the Pumping for Working Moms Program, and from there, everything started to change.

Hitting Her Milk Supply Goals

When Megan joined the program, she was pumping about 30–35 ounces a day but knew she needed more to feed her twins. Her goal? 50 ounces a day.

“I knew it was possible because I’d seen other twin moms do it, but I didn’t know how. I didn’t want to guess—I wanted to shortcut the process. And we did! Within five to six weeks, I was hitting my goal of 50 ounces a day.”

For four months, Megan maintained her supply, meeting almost all of her twins’ milk needs with minimal supplementation.

Overcoming Challenges

Of course, Megan’s journey wasn’t without its challenges. She dealt with constant clogs and even nipple pain early on, which almost led her to quit.

“I cried so many nights in the beginning. I was in so much pain because I had the wrong flange size. Once the program helped me figure that out, pumping became so much easier. I could finally focus on what mattered—feeding my babies.”

She also faced the emotional toll of tying her self-worth to her milk supply:

“I had one day where I pumped 50 ounces, and I felt like superwoman. Then, a few days later, I got a clog and only pumped 42 ounces, and I felt terrible. I didn’t realize how much I was basing my worth on how much milk I made.”

Through the program, Megan learned to separate her sense of self from her milk output and take control of her emotional well-being.

Deciding to Wean

At around eight months postpartum, Megan started considering weaning. Her milk supply had dropped despite troubleshooting, and the demands of pumping were affecting her work and life balance.

“I realized I’d set my goal at a year because that’s what everyone says, but it wasn’t what felt right for me anymore. My babies were starting solids, and I just knew this was my time.”

Weaning was an emotional process, but Megan focused on what she was gaining:

“I got so much time back with my babies. Instead of putting them in a bouncer while I pumped, I could play with them. My work improved too—I got my creative energy back. It felt like a huge weight lifted.”

Reflections and Advice

Looking back, Megan says the experience was worth every hard moment.

“I wish I’d known that everything is temporary. When you’re in it, it feels like it’s forever, but it’s not. I think I would’ve enjoyed the process more if I’d understood that. Even the hard parts now feel like special memories.”

Megan, Pumping for working moms member

Her advice for moms:

  • Your worth isn’t tied to your milk supply. “Whether you’re making 0 ounces or 50, you’re still a great mom.”
  • Don’t compare yourself to others. “Your journey is your own. Focus on what works for you and your family.”
  • Ask for help. “Investing in this program was the best thing I could’ve done. It gave me confidence, clarity, and support I couldn’t have found piecing things together on my own.”

Wrapping It Up

Megan’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance, community, and getting the right support. Whether you’re exclusively pumping, nursing, or doing a combination, the key is finding what works for you and sticking with it.

If you’re ready for that kind of guidance and support, check out the Pumping for Working Moms Program—we’d love to help you on your journey.

Good luck, and as always, happy pumping!

Meet Allison Tolman, LPN, IBCLC!

She is the owner and founder of New Little Life, a company dedicated to providing objective information and support for pumping mothers. With 15+ years of experience in various pregnancy and postpartum fields including as an LPN, birth doula, childbirth educator, and IBCLC, her current research focuses on testing and exploring breast pumps to find the most practical way to help pumping mothers reach their goals as well as teaching lactation professionals to better understand the complex art of pumping. 

She runs a long-term coaching program to support working mothers who are pumping

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