
Breastfeeding seems so natural, but it doesn’t always come naturally. It was difficult for me and led me to train and study to help others. I’m here to help you meet your goals! Whatever they may be.

- Allison

CLIENT INTERVIEW: Megan’s Pumping Journey with Twins

Hey everyone! I’m thrilled to share an incredible success story with you today. Megan, a member of our Pumping for Working Moms coaching program, just completed her journey of exclusively pumping for her twins. Let me tell you, this woman is an absolute rockstar. From navigating clogs to hitting major milk supply goals, she’s faced…

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Returning to work after having a baby is a monumental transition, especially for career-driven women committed to breastfeeding. It’s a time filled with logistical challenges, emotional turbulence, and the need to merge two significant parts of your identity: being a dedicated professional and a loving, present mother. Sunny’s story is one that highlights the unique…

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Baby vs Breast Pump: Milk Removal Pros and Cons

Breastfeeding is a remarkable journey, but what many moms don’t realize is that just because breastfeeding is going well doesn’t necessarily mean pumping will be easy. In fact, feeding at the breast and pumping are two completely different skill sets. This was a key topic I addressed when I was a keynote speaker at a…

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Breastfeeding is an incredible journey, filled with joy, bonding, and challenges. For career-driven moms, like Janet, balancing work and breastfeeding can be particularly tricky, especially when it comes to managing milk supply. Janet’s story highlights how with the right support, you can maintain your breastfeeding goals while transitioning back to work. (This post was originally…

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Oversupply: A Blessing or a Curse?

Oversupply is a hot topic that has been lighting up my comment section lately. It all started with a recent video where I talked about the worst ways to increase milk supply. One comment really stood out, and so many of you chimed in with your own experiences, so I thought—why not explore this together?…

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5 Secrets to a Great Milk Supply for Working Moms

Today, I want to share with you five “secrets” to a great milk supply—especially if you’re a working mom. These tips come from my years of experience helping over 200 mothers navigate their milk supply while transitioning back to work. I know how much you want a solid and predictable milk supply, and I’m here…

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Lhea is an inspiring mom who recently met her breastfeeding goal despite numerous challenges. Her story is filled with ups, downs, and unexpected surprises—like so many of us experience! If you’re a working mom or someone balancing the demands of a job and pumping, Leah’s journey will resonate with you. She’s an HR professional, and…

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Navigating a Short Maternity Leave: 5 Essential Tips for Breastfeeding and Pumping Moms

We can all agree that the standard 12-week maternity leave in the United States is insufficient, but what happens if you need to return to work even faster than that? Believe it or not, many moms do—some as early as three weeks postpartum. Whether it’s due to school, residency, running your own business, or other…

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How to Escape the Triple Feeding Cycle and Get Your Life Back

If you’re stuck in a triple feeding cycle, I don’t need to tell you how exhausting and unsustainable it is. Between feeding your baby at the breast, supplementing with a bottle, and then pumping to increase or maintain supply, you’ve probably found yourself with barely 30 minutes to catch your breath before doing it all…

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CLIENT INTERVIEWS: Christiana’s Journey

On the New Little Life channel, we recently heard from Christiana, a mother from Switzerland who has been part of our Pumping for Working Moms program. Christiana’s journey, like so many other working moms, was filled with challenges around breastfeeding, pumping, and balancing work. Her determination to continue providing breast milk for her baby, despite…

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Finding Control in Your Breastfeeding and Pumping Journey: A Guide for Working Moms

If you’re a highly motivated working mom looking for some control over your breastfeeding and pumping experience, you’re in the right place. This blog post is all about finding control during a chaotic time, whether it’s managing your milk supply, balancing work, or deciding when to wean—all on your own terms. As someone who works…

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3 Secrets to Making Breastfeeding and Pumping Work as a Busy Mom

If you’re a breastfeeding mom planning your return to work, or if you’re already juggling pumping and a career, this post is for you. I’ll share three essential strategies that will make your back-to-work journey smoother, less stressful, and more sustainable. These aren’t really “secrets,” but they’re game-changing insights that could save you countless hours…

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5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Returning to Work After Maternity Leave

If you’re navigating maternity leave and gearing up for your return to work, I’ve got some wisdom to share. Looking back, there are a few things I wish someone had told me during that delicate, beautiful, and sometimes overwhelming time. So, let’s dive in! Here are five tips that will set you up for success…

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Benefits of Breastfeeding PLUS Bottling Up Those Benefits

You probably already know that breast milk offers a multitude of benefits for babies, mothers, and families. But what about when feeding happens via a bottle instead of directly at the breast? As someone who works with pumping moms every day, I want to highlight the incredible benefits of breast milk and touch on what’s…

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Increasing Milk Supply TWIN MOM

One of our program members, Megan, posted this on her Instagram and I wanted to share it with you! Hi everyone! I’m so excited to share a bit of my exclusive pumping journey with you today. I’m Megan, a twin mom pumping for my two boys, and it’s been quite the adventure so far. I’m…

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