DIY Birth Ball Cover – Make your own birthing ball cover tutorial

These birth ball covers are a must if you’ve got a birth ball (also called an exercise ball, yoga ball). This tutorial is super easy and gives your ball a beautiful new look and a handle to easily carry and store!

Here’s what you’ll need:

1 yard knit fabric. Any knit will do! (if you have a 75cm ball, get an extra stretchy one)

Paracord (or drawstring of some kind)

Paracord clip (optional)

Sewing Machine

Step 1: Turn the 1 yard of knit fabric right sides together.

Step 2: Sew down both sides, right sides together to form a pouch. 

Step 3: Fold over top and sew a small pocket for the drawstring around the top. (This will hold the paracord drawstring) Remember to leave a small opening to thread in the drawstring.

Step 4: Turn right side out, and find corners. Place corners on top of each other and pin.

Step 5: Sew around edges to create the handle. You can add an additional piece of fabric here and attach it to these corners if you want an extra-long handle.

Step 6: Thread the drawstring through the small pocket you sewed around the top. Attach the paracord clip (if desired).

Step 7: Put cover on ball and sinch up drawstring. Use the clip to close or simply tie drawstring.

TaDa!!!! So easy, and so practical.

If you don’t feel like sewing at all… Visit my Etsy shop and buy one!

More video Tutorials on the New Little Life YouTube channel!

~ All things for you and your new little life ~

DIY Birth Ball Cover - Make your own birthing ball cover tutorial
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Meet Allison Tolman, LPN, IBCLC!

She is the owner and founder of New Little Life, a company dedicated to providing objective information and support for pumping mothers. With 15+ years of experience in various pregnancy and postpartum fields including as an LPN, birth doula, childbirth educator, and IBCLC, her current research focuses on testing and exploring breast pumps to find the most practical way to help pumping mothers reach their goals as well as teaching lactation professionals to better understand the complex art of pumping. 

She runs a long-term coaching program to support working mothers who are pumping

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