Ultimate Mother’s Milk Tea

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Allison Tolman

Birth Doula, Lactation Counselor, Birth and Bereavement Doula

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Ultimate Mother’s Milk Tea10933797_10153053407706639_901973611752040779_n

First of all, I’m a tea newbie! But I thought I’ve give it a try when I needed a little boost after going back to work and starting the pumping game. I got the original recipe from this website, but I added a other few things I found from other websites to. I ordered most of my herbs from MountainRose Herbs online for about $25 and had WAY too much. Enough to share with multiple friends. I mixed it all together in a mason pint jar and then brewed a pot at a time or in individual cups. You can make your own tea bags like this, or I used a loose tea infuser like this.


Here’s my recipe! 

  • 1/2 cup nettle leaf, dried
  • 1/2 cup red raspberry leaf, dried (nourishing tonic for the reproductive system, high in calcium)
  • 1/4 cup alfalfa leaf, dried
  • 1/4 cup dandelion leaf, dried
  • 1/4 cup fennel seed (Increase milk production and tone the digestive system, curtailing colic and indigestion)
  • 1/4 cup blessed thistle, dried (Stimulates the milk flow and helps restore vitality)
  • 1/4 cup fenugreek seed
  • 1-2 TBLS fenugreek powder (strong stuff!)
  • ground cinnamon, to flavor

Mix it all together in a container (I used a mason jar) and enjoy! About 1 TBLS per cup of tea.


Meet Allison Tolman, LPN, IBCLC!

She is the owner and founder of New Little Life, a company dedicated to providing objective information and support for pumping mothers. With 15+ years of experience in various pregnancy and postpartum fields including as an LPN, birth doula, childbirth educator, and IBCLC, her current research focuses on testing and exploring breast pumps to find the most practical way to help pumping mothers reach their goals as well as teaching lactation professionals to better understand the complex art of pumping. 

She runs a long-term coaching program to support working mothers who are pumping

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